One thing is for sure, that it’s never too soon to start planning summer vacations! Moreover, why not use the whole excitement for summer season as a big motive that will brighten up cold, winter days when there is a chance to do so! Thus, don’t waste a minute, start exploring the best travel spots […]
Check out the top trending fashion pieces that every woman would like to have no matter the new must haves in fashion world! The Wrapped Skort A great alternative for those of you who want to add an edgy vibe to their look yet still keep it girly. Another thing worth mentioning about this cute […]
Reaching the results of having the perfect looking flat stomach sometimes seems like an unachievable goal as not only requires a lot of hard work but also a good diet and workout program. However, having the flat stomach that you’ve always wanted isn’t something unreachable and to prove you that we decided to present to […]
In spite of cold weather, there exist several cute winter date ideas for loving couples. You don’t have to sit at home in winter and just watch TV. Be a little creative and enjoy your time outside with your sweetie. These cute date ideas for winter will help you organize your time. 1. Skiing or […]
In the mid 1980s in her video for the song “Lucky Star” pop star Madonna and the dancing women in the same video had crop tops on. Those were the first crop tops ever. After this video, crop tops became popular, girls started cutting parts from their casual shirts, like sleeves, collars and the hems, […]
There is no need to even mention about the way Lady Gaga always manages to shock us with her extremely bold looks. And considering that fact we decided for once again to dedicate our topic on the weirdest Lady Gaga looks that got us hooked lately. Thus, check out and get convinced that you didn’t […]
Animal prints are among the trendy nail art designs for this season. You may easily wear a bag and a scarf with animal prints and look trendy. However, we have decided to provide you with several cool animal print nail art designs. You should just have several nail polishes and learn the technique of applying […]
Trend alert! The gorgeous top knot hairstyle is included in the list of the best beauty and style trends of 2014! In fact, no one could present us this new exciting trend better than our beloved celebs! Thus, check out the super cute celeb inspired top knot hairstyles and get well introduced to the new […]
Each season brings a new trend with it. You should pick the best ones and enlarge your wardrobe. Find the fashionable looks and wear them in your own way. Though, not every trend may suit you perfectly, it will be interesting to find out the best 7 fashion trends for this season. 1. Leather […]
If you haven’t planned yet what hairstyle to wear on Valentine’s Day, these 6 love inspired Valentine’s Day hairstyle tutorials will help you create both a romantic hairstyle and a casual one. You may bravely go both for a meeting with your sweetie and with your friends. Such great hair bloggers as Lilith Moon, Luxy […]