With summer comes more outdoor activities which means the higher potential for sun damage. We have repeatedly heard about using sunscreen to prevent this aging effect, but sometimes the damage can happen before we even realize we needed to reapply that SPF 30. Here is a great summary of the key ingredients to look for […]
Most of us work at minimum to maintain our weight, or possibly lose. And sometimes it seems that no matter what we do, those pounds stay stubbornly in place. We have ditched the sodas, the ice cream, and the potato chips. What could be lurking around wreaking havoc on all your hard work? Here are […]
Dressing for a professional office in these summer temperatures can be trying at best. Not only is it hot as blazes outside, but sometimes the office can be a rather chilly 65 degrees indoors. How does one dress for such a range but still stay professional? The first point I should make is to Know […]
If Barnes & Noble’s picks make your eyes roll to Rivendell and back (yes, Tolkien has featured on their list previously), then maybe it’s time to think about literary reads that aren’t so well-beaten on the commercial path. Check out the following titles for a thought-provoking summer read: Something Happened, by Joseph Heller What happened […]
The most important aspect of having a light but filling meal is to make sure you incorporate plenty of protein and fiber. Those two components will help you fill fuller longer and give you longer-lasting energy. Breakfast Mini frittatas made in a muffin tin are an amazing make-ahead breakfast. The eggs provide the protein and […]
Sometimes time just dictates the necessity of a quick and easy meal on the go. But let’s take a look at how to eat as healthy as possible when grabbing a meal in a paper sack. For the most part, I am focusing on reducing calories and fat with these suggestions, though sodium can also […]
While some of us rely on gel manicures to keep our nails long and strong, sometimes they need a break from all those chemicals and the UV lights. If you are trying to get your natural nails back into shape after a long period of strong treatments, you will most likely turn to a nail […]
Ever wondered what the future of beauty looks like? Well, after using Jelessi’s Photonix-1 Facial Rejuvenation tool, I say the future is now. Being a beauty blogger, I feel like I’ve seen it all. There’s all kinds of gadgets and gizmos out there. But even still, I can’t help but stare in wonder as I […]
Celebrating Father’s Day is an annual affair. As June rolls around, it is time to pick the perfect present for the old man. For dads who are over 50, we have a list of ideal gifts. Check out our top 5 picks below: As Bobby Fischer once said, “Chess demands total concentration.” Challenge your old […]
No matter where your summer travels take you, you’ll need to pack smartly. Cruise One thing to know about packing for a cruise, is that you will typically need more than one outfit per day. Rarely will you wear the same thing to lay by the pool during the daytime and to the sit-down restaurant […]