While some brands excel at both, usually a cosmetics company focuses on either makeup or skincare. What do you typically think about buying makeup from a skincare line? Here are a few examples of skincare lines that have expanded into makeup products: DHC – A well-known and well-respected Japanese skincare company, their best-selling set starts […]
We have all had those days–whether that is a run in the hose or a button that is a thread away from coming off completely. But by creating a small and portable 9-1-1 kit, you can divert that disaster in just moments! Running from meeting to meeting can take a toll on those beautiful high […]
Oftentimes, we put off certain activities that we assume would be better suited if we went with someone else. Whether that is a friend or a significant other, there is something about sharing the experience that does make it special. But that does not mean that traveling solo is out of the question. In fact, […]
In the same way that our wardrobe sheds layers and our makeup lightens up for spring, we should also take a look at our skincare regimen. The warmer (and possibly more humid) weather means that the cream cleansers and heavy moisturizers might go back in the cabinet for a few months. Here are five points […]
While many of us think that not eating is the way to diet, most experts will tell you that continuing to fuel your body in healthy ways will help your body lose weight faster than sending it into starvation mode. One of the key parts of this theory is snacking smartly. Protein will help keep […]
Spring is usually the time when formulas and colors start lightening up as the trees bud out and the flowers bloom. While dark eye and lip colors and matte skin are the norm for the winter months, spring is about light and air and glow. Instead of the heavy matte foundation, try a tinted moisturizer […]
In the same way that chocolate bunnies are cheapest on the Monday after Easter and chocolate pumpkins are cheapest on November 1st, there are good times of year to buy any particular clothing item. Here is a quick rundown of when to shop for what on the best bargains: July and August – Since most […]
I have read a number of blogs from people who have taken entire trips with nothing but their purse. I have also read stories from regular cruise patrons who pack nothing less than three suitcases, a train case, a carry-on bag, and an oversized purse. Surely realism is somewhere in between! I have two weekend […]
There has been a lot of chatter about 10-step skin care regimens, and while that sounds like a lovely treat, it isn’t realistic for most people. However, most of us don’t want to fall into bed with a full face of makeup either. Here is a realistic three-step regimen that would work for most skin […]
Yes, salads can be a great diet food if you make the right choices. But those choices include making sure that you are getting enough nutrition to keep yourself full until the next meal. Having a salad for lunch does you no good if you end up at the vending machine mid-afternoon because you are […]