Remember that flakiness we just talked about? That is usually a sign of irritated skin. If you suspect that your flakes could be more than simple irritation, please do consult your dermatologist. However, if it is just reacting to the change of the seasons, perhaps we can help! Years ago, when I started getting those […]
We have seen all kinds of wallets come out of all kinds of purses — giant wallets out of tiny purses and huge purses that are carrying a tiny wallet. While I do not much care for clothing shopping, I do love a good purse and wallet browsing. I am currently carrying a relatively small […]
I recently spent a significant amount of time at the hospital with a loved one, and the truth be told, it was a complete emotional and physical drain. Not only were we dealing with doctors and nurses and surgeons and insurance companies, but I was still working part-time and caring for my house and four-legged […]
Now that the weather is approaching more fall and less summer (i.e., windy and cool versus humid and sweltering), my skin is once again putting up a fight. The breakouts are tapering off however the flakiness has returned with full force. So it appears that I can never be without my trusty concealer! I try […]
I’ve recently been diagnosed with chronic inflammation of both my lower back and some of the tendons in my feet. This does not bode well for any stilettos in my closet. While the high heels actually make my feet feel better, they do no favors for my lower back. I’ve been on the hunt for […]
Most of us love to treat ourselves and our skin to a nice relaxing mask. Not only can it calm the frazzled mind, it does wonders for the complexion! But since there are thousands upon thousands of available products, it is hard to pick one. In fact, it can lead to a case of those […]
We have talked about what clothing and what makeup to pack for a work trip, but let’s not forget about our complexion. Depending on the schedule I will have on the trip, I like to add little treats for my skin that I may not get around to using at home. Cleansing – I’ve traveled […]
In addition to adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet, I’ve also been looking for ways to reduce the calorie count without actually missing those calories! Here are a few quick ways I’ve discovered: Salad dressing – I love creamy dressings; I can’t help it. But I have recently been mixing my own […]
Since I tend to lean towards minimalist makeup anyway, I definitely recommend paring down your full face when you travel. When it is a work trip, however, you will probably need more than tinted sunscreen and tinted lip balm. By choosing multiple-use items, you can certainly shrink down that makeup bag. Here is a quick […]
While many of us may travel on a regular basis for work, some of us may be less experienced in what to pack and still have a suitcase of normal proportions. After all, there is a decent chance you will have to take that suitcase to a meeting or a conference, so you certainly do […]