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Four Yummy Vegetarian Brown Bag Lunch Recipes

Woman having sandwich outdoors

When the temperatures and humidity start spiking this time of year, I tend to eat less and to eat lighter choices.  Here are a few of my favorite vegetarian brown-bag lunch recipes that are perfect for the summer! I have mentioned the Caprese salad before, but I do love that option. If I want to […]

Five Purse Beauty Essentials

Woman holding a purse

What do you carry in your makeup bag when you leave the house?  This topic has always fascinated me because it seems to be the largest and heaviest thing in my purse at any given time.  Everyone has different needs when they are on the go, but there are a few of the top essentials […]

The Five-Product Face

Woman applying makeup

It sounds almost unimaginable to some of us, a complete face with only five products.  But it is doable!  Here is a quick rundown of the five-product face.  It is great for travel, or for keeping in your gym bag or your desk drawer.  For realism, I do not count applicators or brushes as any […]

How to Dress for Different Body Shapes

Woman choosing a dress to wear

There are obviously millions of variations since there are millions of us, but there are several basic body shapes that we all fall into.  Once we determine what our basic shape is, we can learn to dress to accentuate the positive parts of us!  Let’s start with the basics on how to identify which body […]

What to Take for Exotic / Remote Travel

Fashionable woman traveling in tropical country

Most of us are experienced travelers in the sense that we know to downsize our toiletries and not pack five pairs of shoes for a three-day weekend. We know what to take for skiing and what to take for the beach.  But what do we pack for a more exotic trip?  What are some of […]

Four Great Brown Bag Lunch Recipes

Woman having lunch

Here are four of my favorite brown bag lunches.  Depending on your dietary preferences and restrictions, they can all be made as salads, sandwiches or wraps.  I like to mix it up so that I’m not eating the exact same thing for days on end.  I prefer whole wheat tortillas for my wraps and those […]

Four New Beauty Launches

Woman choosing makeup products

Have you been searching for something to liven up the same ol’ routine for the summer? Check out these recent makeup and skincare launches! They are a combination of new products and new brands! I was unfamiliar with the Wander Beauty brand until I spotted it on Sephora. They offer a streamlined variety of multi-tasking […]

Is a 33-Item Wardrobe Realistic?

Woman taking out a dress from her wardrobe

The 33-item (or 30-item) wardrobe has become a huge minimalist trend. Paring down your closet to a mere thirty-three items? It sounds quite horrific for most of us. But just how realistic is this idea? Here are a few things to keep in mind if you have been tempted but are nervous to pare down […]

Do You Travel with Makeup and What Do You Take?

Woman applying lipstick in a park

Do you travel with your full face of makeup, or do you let your skin have the week off from bronzer and blush and concealer?  For most people, it probably depends on the trip itself.  If you have a business conference, you will more than likely be carrying makeup with you.  If you are off […]

What are the Recent Summer Hair Trends?

Profile of woman with pixie hair cut

If you are ready to mix it up with your hair style or color, take a look at some of the trends that are popping up for this summer. Trending Colors If you want to be bold, apparently one of my favorite summer treats is now a trending hair color. Watermelon!  The combination of bright […]