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Why is Moisturizing the Face Important

A bright and youthful face is lovely to look at! While in the drugstore or when choosing skincare products, I always make it a point to include a good facial moisturizer even though my skin isn’t so dry. You may be under the impression that moisturizers are only for people who have dry skin, but […]

Understanding Skincare Ingredients – Talc

Talc is a common skincare ingredient that has been used for decades, but there is an issue with its effects on the body that has recently surfaced. As a user of products containing talc, I find myself worried that I could be getting sick because of something that I thought was harmless. After all, talc […]

Quick Lunch Options that Help Shed Weight

It’s hard to continue with your day on an empty stomach. This is why having a filling lunch is important even when you’re on a diet. Depriving yourself of food actually makes you want to eat more. Having a portion of food for lunch can help make the starvation go away. Here are some great […]

Healthy Options: Cheese Sauces vs. Tomato and Vegetable-Based Sauces

I am a great lover of creamy and cheesy sauces, having enjoyed them with abandon during my younger years. However, time has come for me to change my eating habits into something healthier and it is time to say goodbye to such sauces since they really tend to pile on the calories and the fat. […]

Understanding Skincare Ingredients – Sulfates

Millions, if not billions, of people use shampoos and conditioners on a daily basis and there is no denying that shampoos and conditioners form an integral part of a person’s daily routine. With the millions of people who use shampoos and other cosmetics on a daily basis, it is astounding how so few of them […]