I’m a different kind of shop-aholic. One of my favorite past times between commercials or during my daily lunch break is shopping online. Yes, in 5 minutes, I can scour the e-racks using my Instagram account, @FashionRacks and find the most unique pieces. I literally use Instagram as my online boutique encyclopedia—following only online boutiques or […]
Every once in a while, it’s nice to have a good bottle of wine to cap your night off. Take time to enjoy the bouquet and sip your wine while enjoying the best pieces to drink it with. But how do you do all that? Here’s a basic wine lesson for starters that I’ve come […]
Most women I know that have gotten married took great pains to ensure that nothing went wrong on their big day. I realize that it really was one of the most special of days and it only stands that they want everything to go right. However, as a famous writer once said “the best laid […]
Some months back, I made a vow to eat healthier meals but what I found out was that making healthy meals took time and planning. I was bummed because there were some days that I really just didn’t have the time to make a healthy meal and I didn’t want to eat a salad or […]
I wasn’t too in love with eyeshadow the first few years I used makeup because I tended to focus more on things like lipsticks and blushes. However, as I got better at applying my makeup, I saw the benefits of using eyeshadows and I now have a massive collection of them. I have my favorite […]
I used to hate shorts back when my legs were all paled and kind of skinny. I mean, why would I subject people to the sight of my pale as milk walking sticks? However, I started a fitness regimen that involved a lot of running and toning so needless to say, my pale sticks soon […]
Being fashionable also means being in the know when it comes to the latest trends. One such thing you ought to keep your eyes open for is what colors are considered hot in the fashion scene! I love experimenting with colors and I definitely want my 2014 closet to be fresh and fun. Remember that […]
I’ve heard some friends say that their breasts make a huge part of why they feel like they are women. Big or small, we should all show some love for our breasts because not only do they differentiate us from the testosterone-filled male bodies, they are also life-giving assets which help in wonderfully filling those […]
Skincare is something that should be taken seriously, not just because of vanity, but because of health reasons. Remember that your skin is your body’s largest organ, and deserves just as much attention as any other part. This is why you should take extra care in choosing the products that you use to enhance your […]
Netizens have been feasting on the story behind Zac Efron and Michelle Rodriguez’s recent photos showing the two looking pretty intimate in Italy. Although they prove to be quite a pair, people have been wondering if the relationship is good for either of them, with specific focus on Michelle Rodriguez’s reputation on partying just a […]