A lot of the travel blogs that I tend to read are focused on packing – packing lists, packing light, etc. Here’s a quick glance at my favorites:
- Her Packing List – This blog has many packing lists for specific destinations or types of trips. It also has some great advice for female travelers, including tips specifically for women who choose solo travel. Some of the ideas or lists might seem a bit extreme (this woman’s description of her trip without luggage isn’t for everyone), but there are good tips in all the posts. They have a variety of lists for visiting almost any place on earth and while you might not be up for visiting some of the more exotic locations, there is a lot good information.
- Road Warriorette – This writer travels extensively for work mostly, but her posts do cover recreational travel as well. Most of her posts discuss products that make travel easier, so if you are looking for specific recommendations, it’s an excellent source. She also talks quite a bit about travel etiquette which I wish more people would read! Ways to treat your fellow travelers, tricks on getting through security lines more efficiently, on board comfort tips, and a wide variety of packing tips.
- Lady Light Travel – Lady Light Travel is primarily focused on how to reduce the bulk and weight of your luggage and its contents. Everything from decanting toiletries into tiny eyedropper bottles and contact lens cases, to exchanging heavy jeans for lightweight jeggings. One of my favorite sections is Principles of Light Travel which includes discussions about a DIY sewing kit and how to reduce the weight of your guidebooks.
There are a lot of excellent travel blogs out there, but these are just a few favorites of mine!
Bonus tip: If travel is your passion, consider being a travel agent, this job can be done on the go!