If the Beauty Frizz item you purchased was not ordered from, please return the item to the original store of purchase. The return item should be in its original packaging, complete with all accessories, user manuals, warranty cards, and authentication certificates. Returns and exchanges are processed at the store manager’s discretion.
For purchases made on, we offer product exchanges within 30 days of original sale. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds at this time.
Please contact our customer service via email to initiate your product return. Additional delivery charges will be incurred at your expense.
Return items
- All return items should be in original sale condition, including original packaging, accessories, user manuals, warranty cards, and authentication certificates.
- Items that have been damaged, defaced, delayed or lost in transit are not eligible for return or exchange.
- Items that have been defaced or damaged are not eligible for return or exchange.
- Items that are not returned with a purchase receipt are not eligible for return or exchange.
- Until the return item reaches Beauty Frizz premises, the item remains the sole responsibility of the customer. As such, it is advisable that you use a tracking option with your return delivery.
- Additional postal charges will be incurred at the customer’s expense.