I am replacing every profile picture I have ever posted. Dating websites, Facebook accounts, instagram accounts, career websites; all of them.
Because I got the Herstyler 360 Spinstyler One Click Curl, and my hair looks phenomenal.
This has never happened before.
So I’m deleting every existing picture of myself on social media and replacing it with pictures of myself after using the Herstyler.
Surely, I jest. Can one tool really make such a dramatic change that I would be possessed to go to such great lengths? Yes, yes, yes! This thing is amazing. The Herstyler isn’t just a hair tool, it’s a hair robot.
Let me explain. I’ve never been very good with a curling iron; I just don’t have the patience. I know I’m supposed to section my hair off and everything, but I always just end up getting impatient and twisting some random piece of hair around the barrel and hoping for the best, and then doing damage control.
Not with the hair robot.
With the Herstyler, you just let it warm up, which it does really quickly, and then you feed your hair around the barrel, through these little prongs, press the button, and fffwwwp (that’s sort of the sound it makes) — it sucks your hair into the perfect curl and releases it.

Take a look at this video and you’ll see what I mean.
I felt like a kid watching a magic trick. I wanted to clap and yell, “Do it again!” and I did, again and again, until my whole head was lying in perfectly shaped, neat, frizz-free curls.
That’s not even the best part. The best part is, the Herstyler has a right and left switch, so you can get curls that go in either direction, and it does your whole head in a matter of minutes, which I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing, because the Herstyler is so much fun to use, you almost don’t want to put it down.
The Herstyler also seems to be really gentle on my hair. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now with Herstyler Argan Oil Hair Serum, and, between the two of them, my hair’s been staying in really great condition, and not frizzing up like it usually does when I use heat styling.
Typically, I apply the Herstyler Argan Oil Hair Serum after styling my hair. This helps to keep those flyaway hairs in place and keep my new curls soft, while delivering much-needed hair TLC.
Not sure what Argan oil does for your hair? It’s basically your hair’s miracle elixir — it tames frizz, eliminates dandruff, treat split ends and hair loss, and even offers sun protection.
No, seriously.
The Herstyler Argan Oil Serum comes in a pump bottle with 2.0 fluid ounces of product. For $16, this is a steal (which means I’m gonna stock up).
I just use 1-2 pumps of the serum, and run my fingers through my hair. It works beautifully, and gives my hair a nice, soft, moisturized feel.

No one who knows me would ever believe I could get my hair looking so good. That’s why I’m posting pictures, and sending them to every ex-boyfriend, every high school acquaintance, and every teacher who said I would never amount to anything. Wait ‘til they see me now! I don’t know if looking good is the best revenge, but it surely must be in the top ten.
Try the Herstyler 360 Spinstyler or Argan Oil Hair Serum for yourself. Just prepare to spend some time updating your profile pix.
The oil would really help my hair
Where can I buy beauty frizz hair serum
Here’s the link: https://www.beautyfrizz.com/product/rosehip-hair-serum/