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Vine Vera Resveratrol Reviews – Is It Real? Vine Vera Reviews

Vine Vera Resveratrol Merlot Facial Exfoliant

The Vine Vera Reviews website has a whole page devoted to Resveratrol which is an ingredient in every product they carry. Luckily I am a blogger, and for the benefit of my readers I contacted Vine Vera to try their Resveratrol products. Went to see a skin care specialist recently. Just wanted to do a double check on the health of my skin. You gotta do those every so often just to make sure everything is going ok, ya know? Well I was thrilled to hear these words come out of the esthetician’s mouth: ”Your skin is looking pretty good.” What lovely words to hear! I have been religiously using my Vine Vera products and ensuring I take great care of my skin on a daily basis. I am trying to make sure I drink TONS of water, eating healthy, not picking at my skin, washing my face morning and night – you know all the good skin care stuff. And let me tell you guys it is paying offffff! My skin is looking better than ever… brighter, more even. I am so excited with the results so far. I cannot wait until I can go completely makeup free! I’ll keep you guys updated on further progress!

Hello again guys! I just wanted to let you guys know about a different product line of Vine Vera‘s which I tried. Well, not me personally… I have really been enjoying these Vine Vera products so I got my guy the men’s collection to try out. It comes with 3 things: After Shave Balm, Renewal Mask and Renewal Serum. My man likes to keep things looking on point – shaves every other day, haircuts every week, takes his stuff to the dry cleaners- so I knew he’d enjoy some manly skin care products. Of course, he would never buy them for himself cuz obviously he is too macho to venture beyond the drugstore into a skin care store (hehe) so I had to buy it for him as a gift. Glad I did cuz he seems to be loving it so far. I am loving it also. I swear it actually makes his face so much softer. Ladies, don’t you hate to be kissed by a prickly face? You know, when your dude has a 5 o’clock shadow and is trying to actually be affectionate and your like nooooooooo… HAHA! Don’t get me wrong, getting the affection is awesome but having a scratched up face afterward is no fun! So I have come to the conclusion that this stuff has helped his face and beard/goatee/whatever to be softer. And that is definitely a win! Also, like the rest of Vine Vera products, the men’s line includes Resveratrol and anti-aging benefits. Hopefully, not only will he stay soft but he’ll keep his baby face 🙂 Am I being a little cheesy? Sorry guys! But seriously the more I experience Vine Vera, the more I love their stuff. the products are pretty great.

Every several months or so there is a new and supposedly amazing cosmetic company that sweeps the beauty industry. This time I came across Vine Vera Skin Care. Lately ingredients related to anti-aging in skin care have been all the rage and Vine Vera is no exception to this. They use Resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of grapes, in all of their products. Some call it a rip off others say it’s a miracle skin care ingredient, which is it? In cosmetics, as with many other industries, all a company needs to do is employ an excellent marketing team and the world starts to believe they can pop a pill or apply a product to solve all their issues. Companies spend tons of money on their marketing department.  Listen guys, you cannot always believe the hype.

Vine Vera Resveratrol Merlot Collection
Just opened up the Resveratrol Merlot Collection received from Vine Vera

So let’s talk about this newest world-is-ending-because-its-so-awesome ingredient; Resveratrol. I have read and seen information about this ingredient on the net, in newspapers, on TV… its everywhere! I have heard such outrageous claims as it making you look 30 years younger. Or that taking it as a pill will turn back the clock on aging in the body by 30 years. Seriously? Please show me this person that has become 30 years younger. Well, scientists have done studies on flies and this compound was proven to extend their life cycle by 30 minutes which is equivalent to 30 years in a human… Does anyone else find this preposterous? A story about Resveratrol aired on 60 Minutes and next thing you know, here comes the onslaught of companies with Resveratrol products; pills, creams, potions, and more. Vine Vera claims to be bringing the fountain of youth to its customers. The products are sold at a price point that would make most people assume they are effective (aka pricey), but is Vine Vera a scam ??

Test out the two serums from Vine Vera Resveratrol Merlot Collection
Resveratrol Age Defying Eye Serum and Facial Serum

The Vine Vera website has a whole page devoted to Resveratrol which is an ingredient in every product they carry. Luckily I am a blogger, and for the benefit of my readers I contacted Vine Vera to try their Resveratrol products. Surprisingly, they didn’t try to shove whatever product they wanted down my throat. They were very aggressive but everything they told me ended up being helpful. They asked about my skin, explaining that for the best results they need to send me products that will be tailored to fit my skin type. I was game and played along. After a little bit of chatting about my skin I was told that I do not need to use the strongest products because I am still young. I don’t really have any wrinkles yet, just the beginning traces of some laugh lines. We agreed that something focusing on brightening and moisturizing would be best to deal with my leftover acne marks and uneven skin tone. They recommended the Merlot Collection for me – I was told it is the most widely ranging collection and perfect for starting a new Vine Vera beauty regiment.

The full Resveratrol Merlot Collection – it is quite extensive.

About a week later I received my shipment of the Merlot Collection. It was beautifully packaged and included the following products: Resveratrol Merlot Moisture Day Cream, Resveratrol Merlot Nourishing Night Cream, Resveratrol Merlot Facial Serum, Resveratrol Merlot Refining Peal, and last but not least, a cleansing kit with a Milk Cleanser and Radiance Toner. After this huge rant of an article I must tell you something shocking: this stuff seems to be actually working! I have been using it for over a month now and I see a difference in my skin. I have had to change up my makeup, I switched from heavy foundation to a lighter BB Cream and I’m thinking about switching yet again to a tinted moisturizer. For a girl who puts on a full face of makeup everyday this is exciting and serious stuff. I can’t say how effective the anti-aging portion would be on someone more mature, because as I said, I don’t really have any wrinkles yet. But the things that improved, which were implied when I talked to the company about which collection I should try, were delivered. My skin looks smooth and much more even.

Sample of Refining Peel from Vine Vera Resveratrol line
The gold specks in the Resveratrol Refining Peeling shimmer beautifully.

Even though I will still treat new beauty products with a heavy dose of skepticism and I still can’t tell you that Resveratrol is a miracle drug, I definitely feel that Vine Vera has fulfilled its promise. I would love to what their products can do for someone that is more mature or has more serious skin issues. Maybe Resveratrol cannot actually make you many years younger but it seems that at least one company has been able to harness its power to make you look better. I’m still not sure about the 30 years part, for myself I will go with 5 years, maybe.

The Eye Serum from Vine Vera's Resveratrol Merlot Collection
Trying out the Eye Serum from the Merlot Collection

07/05/2014 UPDATE

So it has been a couple months now that I have been using the Merlot Collection and I’m back to give you all an update. I haven’t run out of any of the products yet. Seems like they will last a long time. You don’t need to use a lot so that’s helpful. Though I think I might run out of the cleanser and toner soon because I use those twice a day and do not skimp. I really like this set, especially as a starter, because it includes all the basics that you need. I think this set would be really perfect for people who are young or those that have not really been paying much attention to skin care products before. It is a good introductory set of high end skin care. As I said in my review before I am happy with the improvements this collection made to my skin. All that being said, I think I would like to try some products which are aimed at targeting some specific issues with my skin. I did already lighten up my makeup routine because I felt like my skin was looking better and more even. My ultimate goal is to get myself to a place where I would not feel the need to wear makeup on a daily basis. I still have some pigmentation in different areas of my skin from acne and that is something I would like to focus on. But I am still very happy with collection, I just think I would like to work in some products specifically for pigmentation or dark spots. Regarding the anti-aging aspect: they say that the best things for anti-aging are taking preventative steps. I hope that by following a skin care routine religiously I will avoid a little bit, or at least lessen, the problems that most people associate with signs of aging – wrinkles, fine lines, saggy skin… I am getting close to 30 and see a lot of my girlfriends in their early to mid 30s starting to get Botox injections and things like that. While I am not against that I really hope that I won’t need that until much later. Not only do I try to do things more naturally, but I also am not thrilled with the thought of needles… If you must take my blood for medical reasons, fine, but why would I willingly let people poke me with needles? So, as you can tell, I will try to avoid needles as much as possible. Plus I wanna look like a real person when I am older. I mean, lets be honest, I want to look good and not look “old” when I am older but I don’t want to look fake and not be able to move my face! So I am betting on Vine Vera to help me out with that. Maybe in 20 years I’ll be back to update this post again, to let you guys know how that went. That will be the true test for Vine Vera! Haha.

I just want to let everyone know that any comments you write do not get posted immediately – they are moderated by the site admin before they show up. I’ve seen several comments from people worried or frustrated that their comments seem like they’re not showing up so I checked on this for you. The reason for the moderation/wait time is to combat spam. Apparently the amount of spam that gets into the comments is huge so Beauty Frizz admins go through each of the comments to make sure there isn’t a huge spam build up. I hope that clears up some confusion!

Hello Everyone – it seems that some people wanted more information about Vine Vera. I have seen several questions from you guys asking about things like where to get it or where to learn more information about the products. So I want to help you all out! – this site as the name suggests has  vine vera reviews about the products. It also talks about the vine vera review products and collections in more details. You can go to each one and see what people have to say aobut it. They also have a pretty interesting blog which has good tips on skin care. – this site focuses more on the ingredients Vine Vera uses in its products. The blog portions is very informational. They put up posts about different cosmetic ingredients and offer lots of different information on there. Its pretty cool. – main site. If you want to purchase products this is where you go!

If you have any other questions you can as always post them in the comments below. I also got Vine Vera’s customer service number in case you guys wanna call them direct: 877-554-1777

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1,002 thoughts on “Vine Vera Resveratrol Reviews – Is It Real? Vine Vera Reviews

  1. mariem tabka says:

    i’ve been using Vine Vera “chianti collection”+peeling + sering + nail kit + cream for neck and chest for + capsules of caviar for 3 months now,
    i am satisfied about the result but it’s REALLY expensive :/
    My cleasing kit is finished how can i get it by internet ?

  2. CarolynH says:

    I’ve only had the pleasure of sampling the moisturizer and the eye gel and both worked amazingly well to show anti-aging results on my skin.I’d love to win to be able to use the entire line on a regular basis.

  3. Kim M says:

    Two years ago, I was walking down the mall an a gentleman pulled me aside an began to try to sell me the product. I thought here we go again, gonna try to sell me some junk I won’t use. So by the end I bought the package . I began to use it within 2 days my boyfriend was like , what r you using your face looks amazing. I have never quit using it. Two days ago I was looking for the vendor this holiday season. I have been told I look many years younger after using this product ! I love it an will never stop!! Thanks it is amazing!! Ps my mechanic bf started using this time around! Cause he has seen the wonderful results in these past 2 years!

  4. christy says:

    I’ve had the pleasure of sampling the moisturizer and the eye gel and both worked amazingly well to show anti-aging results on my skin.I’d love to win to be able to use the entire line on a regular basis.

  5. Mary Songer says:

    Good review. I’m always telling my younger relatives that the time to get serious about skin care is now and that good quality products and developing a routine is the only way to go.

  6. Cheryll Shubert says:

    Thank you so much for the informative review. I love products that use natural ingredients. it’s amazing how many benefits there are! Such a great review of an amazing skin cares line!

  7. Anastasia Shagina says:

    Thank you for this review 🙂 I`m always serious about my skin care and i believe, that i need this kit. It looks awesome, chic <3

  8. Bianca says:

    I would love to try these products. People who know me says I look young for my age. That is because I take care of my skin. Maybe your product will make me even look youthful.

  9. Amanda says:

    I’ve tried just the Merlot day cream– it gives an amazing soft texture to my skin and cleared up my acne… great product! a bit to expensive for my budget.

  10. Jamie Johnson says:

    Super informative review! There’s so many benefits in the entire Vine Vera collection, any of their items would make great gifts! I had to learn the hard way to keep it simple and stick with one beauty routine. If you keep jumping from product to product, your face won’t be the only thing that suffers. Your finances will reflect the damage as well. Quality products are an investment. You can’t put a price on your face.

  11. Gabrielle says:

    Natural ingredients and great results? That’s exactly what I want from a skin care regimen. Thanks for this review. These products sound absolutely terrific.

  12. MargaretAnn Rice says:

    Thanks for the review, full of great information. I would love to try your products, my skin could use some help and pampering.

  13. DEBRA DUBOIS says:

    I haven’t experienced your skin care yet! The more I read about it, the more impressed I am with the innovative approach to skin care…hope I get to try it myself!

  14. Jennifer says:

    I am so looking forward to trying Vine Vera products!! Maybe this will bring me closer?? Thank you and Happy Holidays to All!!!

  15. Rachel K says:

    Wow! I’d love to try the eye serum! They need transforming because my eyelid tissue has lost its firmness and the ability to hold back the increased weight of the eyelid skin tissue.

  16. Darcie says:

    I love Vine Vera. I find it is the only thing that works for me. I have been using it for almost two years now and I can see the difference. The eye serum is awesome. A lot of reviews say it’s a hoax and a waste of money. I find it’s the only thing that works for me. I got stopped in the mall at a kiosk and now? I am a loyal user. Thanks, Vine Vera! I would love a chance at some free products since I’ve been so loyal. Thanks again!!

  17. Kimbre Music says:

    I’ve heard of your products before and they sound really great. I love skincare that is made of natural ingredients…very nourishing to the skin.

  18. Robin Creager says:

    This is something I’ve been looking for! A product that will help with fine lines, firmness and youthful looking skin. As a woman going through menopause I need all the help I can get for my face.

  19. Katherine says:

    This is a wonderful product. I spend many hours flying in those friendly skies and this product works well for my skin in the dehydrated environment. I use the Merlot coleection and would love to try the next level up.

  20. Marnie G (Derrick Todd) says:

    I really like the Vine Vera Merlot product line. It is absolutely amazing. I’ve tried the mask before and it really does make a huge difference with your skin. Top of the line products.

  21. Marnie G (Derrick Todd) says:

    The Vine Vera Merlot product line is absolutely amazing. I’ve tried the mask before and it really does make a huge difference with your skin. Top of the line products.

  22. Judith Kaplan says:

    I bought some of the products this year and I hope that a local salon will open in my area! I bought the nail kit and also exfoliator and moisturizer set.
    Rich and creamy, not greasy.

  23. Carla Reis says:

    I love products that use natural organic ingredients. It’s amazing !!!
    Terrific one of a kind skin care product line!!!
    I love it and swear by it!!! <3
    I look 30 and I am 48!
    <3 <3 <3
    Love and light!

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