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Tag Archives: Beauty Frizz

What is Your Go-To Interview Outfit?

Business woman in corridor

Whether you’re currently in the market for a new job or a new opportunity at your current company, you should always have a go-to interview outfit cleaned and ready to wear.  If you work as a first grade teacher, that outfit is going to be dramatically different than if you work in a capital management […]

How to Soothe Irritated Skin

Woman using face cream

Remember that flakiness we just talked about?  That is usually a sign of irritated skin.  If you suspect that your flakes could be more than simple irritation, please do consult your dermatologist.  However, if it is just reacting to the change of the seasons, perhaps we can help! Years ago, when I started getting those […]

Your wallet – one large one or several divided small ones?

Fashionable woman using her wallet

We have seen all kinds of wallets come out of all kinds of purses — giant wallets out of tiny purses and huge purses that are carrying a tiny wallet.  While I do not much care for clothing shopping, I do love a good purse and wallet browsing. I am currently carrying a relatively small […]

Taking Care of Yourself by Eating Healthy

Woman eating healthy

I recently spent a significant amount of time at the hospital with a loved one, and the truth be told, it was a complete emotional and physical drain.  Not only were we dealing with doctors and nurses and surgeons and insurance companies, but I was still working part-time and caring for my house and four-legged […]

“No Poo”and “No Co-Wash” Hair Care Trends

Woman with beautiful brown hair in the wind

It does sound crazy, but two of the latest hair care trends are “no-poo” and “co-wash”.  These trends translate into “no shampoo” and “conditioner wash” basically. No-poo – It isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Many are choosing this method because (a) it can save a significant amount of money, depending on what brands you […]

How To Take Care Of Your Skin On The Plane

Woman on a plane

No matter how long or short your flight is, your skin will no doubt suffer the effects of the airplane environment.  For a lot of us, our skin will end up a strange combination of flaky and greasy.  It is not a pleasant effect!  There are a few things you can do to help your […]

Breakfast On The Go

Egg Muffins

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  So why do so many of us simply have a cup of coffee as we head out the door?  Or worse, grab that donut once we get to the office.  With a little planning ahead, you prepare some healthy breakfast options […]

What Makeup To Wear On the Plane

woman with casual makeup on plane

Generally speaking, it is not good to travel in your full face of makeup.  It usually ends up in a flaky mess (if you tend to be dry) or a puddle on your chin (if you tend to be oily).  Granted, not many of us want to show up to our destination looking tired and […]

What To Wear On The Plane

Woman reading on the plane

I still remember the time when everyone dressed up to take a flight somewhere. Nowadays at the airport, it seems you have either the business travelers in their suits or the vacation travelers in their sweatpants. Personally, I prefer something in the middle, but still comfortable! There are several keys to maintaining comfort and convenience […]

Spend Versus Save: Skincare

Woman exfoliating face with cleansing product

Choosing good quality skincare can be an expensive proposition, but it doesn’t have to be.  You can economize on certain parts of your regimen and splurge on others. Spend – Yes, there are certainly expensive options for anything.  But here are a few of the highlights where it usually pays to spend. Especially if I […]