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Tag Archives: BeautyFrizz

New Year, New You: Travel

Cruise ship and the beach

It is a new year so a fresh full bank of vacation days awaits! Where will you go this year? Of course there are those days that must be reserved for doctor’s appointments or parent-teacher conferences but the rest are for fun. It is a good time to refresh those travel bags, tossing makeup and […]

New Year, New You: Skincare

Woman with skincare product

Not just because it’s a new year, but the middle of winter is a perfect time to revisit the skincare regimen.  Every complexion needs a boost now and then, and it is a great time to see what can be added to your existing routine.  Here are a few options that could leave your complexion […]

New Year, New You: Makeup

Woman applying blush to cheeks

Does that makeup collection also need cleaning out, like the closet?  The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to make that happen!  Throw out any expired or separated items, share or get rid of items that just are not useful any more, and see what might need to be added. The same […]

New Year, New You: Fashion

Stylish woman against green background

With the new year comes the desire to refresh and renew everything, including the clothing in the closet.  But how to objectively look at what is already in there and what needs to be added or removed?  Oftentimes, the same outfits are worn over and over again without thought to mixing them up. One popular […]

Holiday Wish List: Skincare

Woman looking at skincare product

I also tend to collect skincare products.  I do not know whether I am just buying into whatever sales pitch they give me or if I just like to play around and experience new products.  But regardless, I love my skincare.  Here are my top five wish-list skincare items that I would love to see […]

What Do You Carry Your Lunch In?

Woman eating salad from blue Tupperware

How do you transport your food to work, whether that be breakfast, lunch, snacks, or all of the above? Are you the type to take a traditional brown paper sack or have you upgraded? The advantages of the brown paper sack are that the material is recyclable and they are super inexpensive to buy.  The […]

Holiday Wish List: Makeup

Makeup products on black marble table

I may be a fashion minimalist, but makeup is a different story!  There are so many beautiful makeup pieces out there that I tend to collect them by the drawer full!  Keep in mind that I usually prefer sets to palettes, but sometimes the palettes are hard to resist.  Oh, and mini anything is very […]

Holiday Wish List: Fashion

Woman with holiday gifts

I have been told by multiple people in my life that I am very difficult to shop for when it comes to birthdays and holidays.  And for me, it is a struggle to come up with a list of ‘things’ that I want.  I am not ‘thing-oriented’ so I rarely want more stuff.  So as […]

Choosing a Body Moisturizer

Woman using moisturizer

After you have chosen your body exfoliator and have used it gently but thoroughly, it is time to moisturize that fresh new skin.  But again, so many options are available that it can easily be overwhelming.  Again, we can apply the same criteria to choosing a body moisturizer that we did to a body exfoliator. […]

Choosing a Body Exfoliator

Woman applying exfoliating face mask

With winter quickly closing in, we do tend to focus on changes in our facial skincare regimen, but what about all of that lovely skin from the neck down?  It is time to make sure you are taking care of that complexion as well. One of the first steps is to make sure you are […]