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Tag Archives: Packing

Traveling Light, Also Known As No Suitcase

Female traveler surrounded by green fields and mountains

I had a four-day weekend trip planned, and I decided to travel without a suitcase. It was mostly a casual trip so I thought it would be a good venue to test out some of the theories and tricks I’ve been reading in travel blogs. I took a small crossbody purse and my trusty Jansport […]

Downsizing Toiletries for Travel


Sure, the infamous 3-1-1 TSA bag can technically hold several bottles of the 3-ounce size. However, do you really need 3 ounces of shampoo for your long weekend trip? Probably not. Same holds for the 1-ounce bottle of foundation and the full-size cream blush. But realistically, how can we shrink those toiletries and still have […]

Realism: Packing Your Long Weekend Into A Backpack

Woman with sunglasses and backpack outdoors

I have read a number of blogs from people who have taken entire trips with nothing but their purse. I have also read stories from regular cruise patrons who pack nothing less than three suitcases, a train case, a carry-on bag, and an oversized purse. Surely realism is somewhere in between! I have two weekend […]

Work travel: What skincare to pack?

Packing for a business trip

We have talked about what clothing and what makeup to pack for a work trip, but let’s not forget about our complexion.  Depending on the schedule I will have on the trip, I like to add little treats for my skin that I may not get around to using at home. Cleansing – I’ve traveled […]

Work travel: What makeup to pack?

Makeup brushes and palette

Since I tend to lean towards minimalist makeup anyway, I definitely recommend paring down your full face when you travel.  When it is a work trip, however, you will probably need more than tinted sunscreen and tinted lip balm.  By choosing multiple-use items, you can certainly shrink down that makeup bag. Here is a quick […]

Work travel: What clothes to pack?

Packing for a work trip

While many of us may travel on a regular basis for work, some of us may be less experienced in what to pack and still have a suitcase of normal proportions.  After all, there is a decent chance you will have to take that suitcase to a meeting or a conference, so you certainly do […]

What to Take for Exotic / Remote Travel

Fashionable woman traveling in tropical country

Most of us are experienced travelers in the sense that we know to downsize our toiletries and not pack five pairs of shoes for a three-day weekend. We know what to take for skiing and what to take for the beach.  But what do we pack for a more exotic trip?  What are some of […]

Do You Travel with Makeup and What Do You Take?

Woman applying lipstick in a park

Do you travel with your full face of makeup, or do you let your skin have the week off from bronzer and blush and concealer?  For most people, it probably depends on the trip itself.  If you have a business conference, you will more than likely be carrying makeup with you.  If you are off […]

Is There Such Thing as True One-Bag Travel?

Woman looking at a map while traveling

There are a lot of websites devoted to minimalist and one-bag travel, but is traveling with literally one bag truly possible and necessary? I suppose anything is always possible. You can pack your wallet, your phone, a toothbrush, a bottle of Dr. Bronners soap, and a clean pair of underwear and off you go. But […]

How Do I Efficiently Pack for a Cruise?

Woman packing her bag

It is one particular struggle to fit a week’s worth of clothing and toiletries into a carry-on suitcase.  But it is a wholly different type of test if you are going on a cruise!  There are several unique challenges to packing for a cruise: Flying – Despite your every effort to carry-on for most trips, […]